We would just like to inform everyone that iCMS 8W.2-B has larger file size compared to iCMS 8W.2-A for unknown reason and the team can no longer detect the cause of the difference in file size. As of today, iCMS 8W.2-A's file size is approximately 19 MB while iCMS 8W.2-B is 19.6 MB.
The current font used in iCMS 8W.2 can also be downloaded here.
Click this link to download iCMS 8W.2 version A.

Click this link to download iCMS 8W.2 version B.

Click this link to download Lithos Pro Regular font used in the system.
There were few updates published on the iCMS 8.1F and we are hoping that there would be no longer updates or not minor or just optional updates. Whenever there would be updates, the team will also check further for the cause of file size differences of iCMS 8W.2 A and B.