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Secrets Revealed

              Have you searched the special features of iCMS 8.1F already? If not yet, don't worry for today we will show you the hidden secrets of iCMS 8.1F.

             It has been a week since we are using the iCMS 8.1F in managing our cash. Some of us may have not discovered some of the features of the system yet. So let's start.As for the pictures are concerned, I'll be using the iCMS 8.1F-B.

During the first week, we have witnessed today's format like you have never seen before.

This was the picture of iCMS 8.1Fon the first day. As you can see it is covered with pure white background. Whatever data you entered, the data cannot be seen unless you put the active cell on the cell where you entered the data. Unfortunately, you were not able to see the data on the unselectable cells.

This is iCMS 8.1F during the Holy days (Maundy Thursday up to Black Saturday). It was in black and white.

After those days, the iCMS 8.1F's basic format is finally revealed.

One of the main features of iCMS 8.1F is the "F" formats wherein you will experience a silly format after using the letter "F" in the first sheet section 1 Classification B (CFU) for iCMS 8.1F only and on the second section's classification and on the disclosures area of sections 2 and 3 on the both versions.

You can see the straight lines on three of the four graphs on the third sheet. This is the average per day of the data graphed. I use this line to determine if the unrestricted cash payment for today whether the cash payment today is above or below the average.

The New restriction on the second section is a modified Restriction of iCMS 7 version series since the latter's feature is no longer compatible with iCMS 8 version series (this is the reason why there's a problem with the iCMS 8G's restriction feature).

With the new restriction feature, users are not allowed to enter any data unless it classified first. Whenever the transaction is properly classified, the user is now allowed to enter amount ranging from 0-99,999 if it is classified as A or P; from 0-"Unrestricted Earnings Balance" if it is classified as F.

In iCMS 8.1F-B, another restriction was implemented, users are not allowed to enter an amount if the transaction was not properly classified.

If the above rules are not followed, these dialog boxes will pop-out restricting you to record amount(s).

Have you discovered these things already? Well if not yet, try doing it on your own copy of iCMS 8.1F and have fun with iCMS 8.1F. If you have something in mind that you want to share, share it with us via our Request form in the Request tab above. Whenever you find something wrong aside from the Special Features of iCMS 8.1F, you can report it to us via Bug Report Tab above. Thank you. Stay tuned for a story telling soon.
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