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iCaMpS 9.2 version A and Version B

Hello guys! Are youpreparing cash for your adventures with iCaMpS 9.2? We're very sure that you do because of the features of iCaMpS 9.2 that makes cash management exciting.

Today, we are going to present some things that are not similar between iCaMpS 9.2-A and -B.

(Left) iCaMpS 9.2-A Date Column. (Right) iCaMpS 9.2-B Date Column.
The dates are in abbreviated in iCaMpS 9.2-B while in version A, they are not. This is because the 'Dates' column of version A is wider than version B.

(Left) iCaMpS 9.2-A Second Sheet. (Right) iCaMpS 9.2-B Second Sheet.

On the second sheet, you might notice that the background of iCaMpS 9.2-A is darker compared to iCaMpS 9.2-B.

iCaMpS 9.2-A Section 3 Header (Yellow Border). iCaMpS 9.2-B Section 3 Header (Cyan Border)
In iCaMpS 9.2-A's third section middle heading, the font color is white, yellow, and black(starting from the first row down to the third) while in iCaMpS 9.2-B, it's black, white, and black.

These are the physical differences in the versions of iCaMpS 9.2 however, the functions and formula are still the same. Have you seen them on the actual system? If you want to see those differences by your own, you may download our iCash Management System 9.2 together with the featured font: Dimbo by visiting our Downloads page found in the homepage of our blog.

Stay tuned for some more news and special articles.

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