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Do Vote on May 9

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Now that you saw the platforms of our candidates for presidency, it's all up to us voters to choose. Do cast your smart vote on Monday, May 9 to contribute. Now, take a look at the image above to see the do's and dont's during the eve of the Election and on the Election Day.

To guide you on how to cast your vote properly, here are the steps.

1. Check you name on the list provided on the polling precinct/station you are assigned.
2. Ask the Board of Election Inspector (BEI) of your precinct for a ballot, marker, and a folder.
3. Independently, cast your vote by shading completely the circle of the candidate you want to vote. Remember, you cannot overvote (voting for more than the required number on a certain position.)

For the national elections, you can vote for
only 1 president
only 1 vice president
only 12 senators
only 1 party-list

4. Once you finished casting your vote on the ballot, place your ballot on the folder and proceed to the place near to the BEI so that you'll be able to place your ballot on the Vote Counting Machine (VCM).
5. Once your vote is counted, the VCM will release the election receipt showing the names of persons you voted for. Check whether all your votes are correct and counted. Ask the BEI for any questions regarding the receipt if there's any.
6. Place the Election Receipt on the box provided then the BEI will place an indelible ink to your pointing finger as a sign that you have cast your vote.

Now you successfully cast your vote. Remember that you are not allowed to take home the election receipt or took a picture of the shaded ballot or the election receipt because the Supreme Court states that it is an Election Offense.

#BeResponsible #DoVote
# PILIpinas2016
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