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It's Election Day!

The Presidential Candidates. (From left to right) Grace Poe, Jejomar Binay, Rodrigo Duterte, Mar Roxas, and Miriam Defesnsor-Santiago
Today is the Election Day. At the end of this day, one of the persons above will be declared as the president who will take his/her seat for the next six years. Do your part as citizen of the Philippines. Do cast your vote on the precinct where you are assigned. Don't sell your vote to any of the politicians because your vote is very vital for our nation.

Voting precincts are now open and you can now vote fr your candidates. Remember the things that you need and you are prohibited to do. If you missed our article regarding the election procedure, click here.

Be a responsible citizen of the Philippines. Make your vote count to the right persons who will lead our country. VOTE Smartly for this is for our progress and peace.


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