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iCMS DZ-Tropic

The Summer feels continues as iCMS takes us to a tropical experience. Presenting the second member of iCMS DZ series: The iCash Management System DZ-Tropic. The system is filled with tropic features that will surely make your iCMS environment as refreshing as drinking a fresh coconut juice.

Tropical Theme
The system is covered in colors that creates tropical ambiance within the system. Enjoy the entire tropical theme from the first sheet up to the third sheet.

July 4 Special Formats
To celebrate Filipino-American Friendship Day at the same time, the United States’ Independence Day, we have implemented a special format for this day.

Cash Count Remarks Changes
Being annoyed of the odd black cells on the Remarks Column? Well, we already removed them. Now, you can see the Remarks (Difference) column’s cells in the current theme’s cover color. The cell will just change its color when there is a cash count for the day.

Glitches and Formula Fixture
Since iCMS DZ-Tropic has a six-week framework, we also checked on this framework the issues and glitches found on iCMS DZ-Summer and fix them as well. Now, the issues noted in the previous iCMS are now fixed.
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