Game of Thrones fever is on with the newest iCMS+ file inspired by the upcoming
premiere of the highly-anticipated seventh season of Game of Thrones.
For this month's iCMS+, we have two files: the iCMS+ GoT and iCMS+ Game of Thrones. They almost have the same formats except for one. Check it out below.

GoT Themes
theme of the system will be back to the user’s choice. For this time, there
were ten options of themes representing the colors of each house or group in
the TV series. You can choose among House Lannister, House Arryn, House
Baratheon, House Martell, House Tyrell, House Greyjoy, House Tully, House
Targaryen, House Stark and White Walkers theme.

Iron Throne Formats
system will be having some Iron-like format for those cells containing G,O,T or
7. This feature is optional thus it can be deactivated by deleting number seven
in the Settings Area of Special Number or Letter.

July Events Format
formats will be applied on July 4 and 16 to celebrate Filipino-American
Friendship Day and the season 7 premiere of Game of Thrones.

iCMS+ Game of Thrones' Exclusive Font
iCMS+ Game of Thrones contains the exclusive Trajanus font that was used in
some posters of the TV series. iCMS+ GoT uses the Amaranth font that was used
by the regular iCMS+ and iCMS+ Infinity.
This file was not used by the TV series producer in advertising its show. It's purely fan-made.