The Halloween celebration continues this November with iCMS+
Nightmare Circus. This month’s regular iCMS+ has some freaky yet fun features
that will make your cash management for November a circus fun one.

Nightmare Circus
system has two themes to choose from namely, Circus and Nightmare. Circus theme
features a red and creamy coffee color-like theme which resembles the tent
usually seen in a circus while nightmare features a black and dark blue
combination which gives you a little creepy environment.

Post Halloween
Holiday Format
Holidays for November is
having a pumpkin-like format to extend the Halloween feeling.

‘5’ Special Format
celebrate the first version series with the fifth version number on the line,
we will be having a special format for cells containing 5. This feature applies
to all tabs except for Help and Settings Tab.

Christmas Countdown
(Part 1)
Annual Christmas Countdown will be conducted early for this year. The first
part of the Christmas countdown will only be available for this month. The
second part will be done on the last regular iCMS+ file for 2017.