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iCMS+ 4nniversary

                It’s been 4 years since we created the first ever Cash Management System. To celebrate this historical event, we have prepared a special iCMS+ file for you guys! Here are the features of our 4th Anniversary version of regular iCMS+.

4 Valentine Gift Themes
                iCMS+ 4nniversary features four themes named according to the traditional gifts every Valentine’s Day. The themes are: Roses (Red), Teddy Bear (Cyan), Jewelries (White and Gold), and Chocolates (Brown). Yes, for the first time, we have a brown theme color available for everyone (last month was exclusive for January birthday celebrants).

4th Anniversary Formats and Features
                Cells containing 4 will gain a special format. Exclusive for this month’s iCMS+, you can choose your own format for today’s date and today’s holiday.

CMS HiStory Telling Feature
                For the entire month, we will be having a 28-part story telling about the progress of Cash Management System for the past four years. Every day, a new story unfolds. Try to collect them all to collate them into one whole story. The story will be revealed in the Overview Tab.

Dynamic Overview Calendar Heading
                According to your theme preference, the heading of the date today in the overview tab will change.
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