Hello guys! This post presents the detailed information regarding the features, additions, and/or modifications made in our iCaMpS 9.2 version B. This post will be updated whenever our iCaMpS 9.2-B will have an update.
Update: July 24, 2015
1. Added Camp theme for this month’s iCMS.
2. Added special today’s date format on August 21 and 31.
3. Added images in the second sheet that makes Other Cash Transactions Summary Statement move upward.
4. Fixed an issue wherein you cannot enter zero (0) on the third section.
5. Fixed an issue wherein the Average of the third section is expressed in currency instead of a general number format.
6. Fixed an issue wherein accounts payable beginning balance does not contribute to the restricted cash.
7. Reformed the Restricted Earnings and Restricted Cash Balance formula.
8. Modified the format on unrestricted cash balance and unrestricted earnings.
Update: August 01, 2015
1. Fixed an issue that July 26 is selectable.
Update: August 17. 2015
1. Fixed the formula on the earnings and cash balance of the last week.