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iCaMpS 9.2 Now Available!

          Hello guys! Are you planning an adventure with your friends but needs some more amount to do such? Well, don't worry because the much-awaited release of iCaMpS 9.2 is now here! Enjoy cash management with a brand new camp-themed user interface and special formats on selected dates. With iCMS, you can have an innovative way to save up money, develop honesty and build up integrity.

            Further improvements were made in our base framework to make your records more reliable and accurate. With the release of iCaMpS 9.2, we are expecting no, if not, a few minor and optional updates.
           We are releasing iCMS one week before the day it is useful so that we can further check the system with your help by submitting reports on errors and/or inconsistencies found within the current system. If you might found something wrong in your copy of iCaMpS 9.2, don't hesitate to submit a report to us by filling up our iCMS Report Form in the forms page in our blog.
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