If you have used 9.1-iCMS in recording your July 2015 transactions and you are preparing for iCaMpS 9.2 but doesn't have an idea on how to transfer records from one iCMS to another, don't worry because we bring back the Tips page for iCMS users to know the basic data needs of the latest iCMS from the previous iCMS. This is only applicable for 9.1-iCMS users. For the tips, you can click the event banner image below the Blog heading identical to the picture being pointed by our Minion above this post.
Please do take note that
Tips page is only available for a limited time. So visit the page now and be guided before the event image be replaced by a new one.
For the first time users of iCash Management System, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) page by clicking the "FAQ's button" found on the right side of our blog (if you are viewing the web version).