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[Announcement] Error Found (with solution)

      Hello there guys! We have found something wrong in the Statement of Financial Position (on the second sheet) regarding the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. The problem is that the records of Accounts on Week 5 is not accounted by our Financial Statement.

       In able to solve this, we highly recommend not to use the Statement of Financial Position in checking for the Cash, Earnings, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable. Instead do the following:

For the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Whatever be the weekly result on the 5th Week on Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable, you must add them to the respective balances of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable shown in the Statement of Financial Position or on the Monthly Result of the account. Do take note that when the number has a parenthesis "( )", it means that the number is negative.
        Please refer to a screenshot of my iCaMpS 9.2 above. Suppose to be I only have P 2,558.00 Accounts Receivable but at the end of the month, it was P 3,254.00 (a difference of -P 696.00; 2558-3254). It implies that the result on Week 5 is not recorded. The error is on the fifth week only therefore the final week is accounted.

For Cash and Earnings Balance
        Just check the monthly result balance of cash and earnings at the bottom part of Computed Cash and Computed Earnings Balance.

This tip is very important in preparation for iCMS Septemebr 2015 version. We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this error has resulted unto you.
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